Is Master of Puppets multiplayer?

Currently, no. There's no technical reason why it can't be - turn based games are exceedingly simple to run multiplayer. At this point it's mostly a question of cost and community size. For a multiplayer version to make sense there has to be someone to play against and running servers 24-7 is not cheap. Given sufficient interest, it is definitely something I will consider supporting.

I thought turn based games died a long time ago? 

Well... I was born a long time ago, so maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but it's my game so I'll build it how I like it. Damnit...

Will Master of Puppets be available on platform XYZ?

Maybe. Let me know which hardware or operating system you'd like to see it ported to and I'll consider adding it.

Is Master of Puppets going to be Free To Play? 

I have no intentions of making Master of Puppets F2P - it will be fully released as shareware with a free part consisting of the first 8 locations of the campaign and a single one-time purchase to unlock the remaining game.

Future updates will be freely available to anyone who has unlocked the full version, with the possible exception of online multiplayer, should that ever be added. 

That said. If sales tank completely, I might be forced to give in and go F2P.

Have I seen these assets before?

Yes, you might have. Because I can't do *everything* as well as I want to, or as quickly, and because I don't have the funding required to pay for unique content, I have to make do with some amount of generic assets from the Unity Asset Store. 

Luckily there are some *really* talented people selling their hard work there, for prices that are almost too cheap (don't tell them I said that :) ).

The wonderful Mechs are designed by Slava Z : https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/12193 
The plants are from an Isometric pack by Manufactura K4 : https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/585 
The Omol is by Vladimir Tim : https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/27420 
The SkyBox is from Hedgehog Team : https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/1351 
Music by Wez Devine : https://www.shockwave-sound.com/artist/wez-devine 

Everything else was done by me, including sound effects, map textures, cards and UI elements. I did add some animations to the Mechs that were not included in the original asset so if an animation looks less-than-stellar, it's probably one of mine :) 

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