
So, yeah...

Shortly after the last update - 1.5 years ago - I realised that I wasn't playing the game. I was working on it, sure, but out of interest for the code, and the project, not for the sake of the game. That's not a good sign.

So I took a step back and started killing things that wasn't directly adding to my own enjoyment. It turned out to be a lot, and it has taken a while to get back on track, but I'm now in a place where I find myself spending an entire evening play-testing without actually getting any work done. Which is annoying, but probably a good sign :)

The game is fundamentally complete, but I'm going to call it a beta because I'm sure there will be bugs that I haven't found simply because I am me, and I'm also sure people will find balancing issues, some of which will border on exploits. All of that needs to be fixed before I feel comfortable putting the 1.0 stamp on it.

The actual download is pending a few minor adjustments and tweaks (famous last words).

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